Not God's Will
- Domestic Violence affects as many women in the church as in society at large
- Religious beliefs keep women trapped in oppressive marriages
- Men use their God-given authority to subjugate their wives.
- Men will misuse scripture as a means to oppress their wives.
“Embedded in the religion itself, in its practice, language, and structures of power. Such norms and power structures can contribute to individuals’ perpetration of domestic violence and to the silencing of those who suffer “(Wuthnow 2004).
Domestic violence is characterized by a pattern of abusive behaviors that are intended to gain and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. It can be emotional, physical, sexual, economic, or psychological, and can include any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame or injure someone. Tactics do not have to result in physical harm to be considered domestic violence.
Covert abusers cloak their tactics in concern, love, charm, praise, fake empathy, trustworthiness, smiles, and pretending to be your biggest supporter. They speak lies with total conviction and confidence. Their schemes are under the radar and hidden so that their target can’t easily identify what’s going on. They are designed to get their victim to doubt themselves, their perceptions, their sanity and to get them to take on the abuser’s narrative, thoughts, and perspective.
Women and families experiencing domestic violence are looking for a safe place to tell the secret of the oppression they are experiencing and to live and thrive with renewed hope. They are looking for safe people who will love and support them. They are looking for a safe church where they will be believed and helped. Focus Ministries